Students, Faculty, and Staff are required to register their security information to allow for password reset and account verification. UNOH recommends users register at least two different methods, the most common being Phone and Authenticator app. Other Options include alternate phone, office phone, and alternate email.
A Note to All Students
Beginning Monday October 24, 2022, all students will be required to perform a second verification step when logging into UNOH online services. Please register at least two different verification methods in your Security Info to ensure you do not lose access to your UNOH account.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Quick Start Guides (PDF)
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I register more than one phone number?
You can register multiple phone numbers on your account for verification. IT recommends registering any phone numbers you might need when logging into your account (phone, alternate phone, office phone). This provides a backup in the event you have issues with your primary verification method. Simply browse to and start adding your extra numbers.

When logging in, you will be presented with your default authentication option. To use an alternative phone option, click on "I can't use my Authenticator app right now" or "I want to use another method." You will be prompted with all of the alternative sign-in options you have established. Simply choose the one that is right for you.
Why am I being asked to install the Authenticator app?
The Authenticator app provides a simple method to verify your identity when you need to reset your password. If you forget your password, you can simply send a push notification to your mobile device to reset it. This app also provides an additional verification method to protect your UNOH user account.
Why is Microsoft calling me when I log in at UNOH?
UNOH recently activated multifactor authentication (MFA) for students. In some cases, students will receive a phone call from Microsoft when they attempt to log in when they simply need a verification code via text. Fortunately, the simple solution is to change your Default sign-in method to Phone - text by logging onto The default sign in method is automatically used every time you log into UNOH online services.
What happens if I change my mobile phone number, or get a new phone?
Users are encouraged to register multiple methods for account recovery, such as mobile phone and Authenticator app. For example, if your phone number changes you can simply verify your account with alternate phone you registered. After successfully logging in, you should update your account verification options at
I have a mobile device without cellular service or a phone number. How can I register?
Users who use mobile devices without cellular service can still access their account using an alternative method of account verification. Microsoft recommends downloading the Authenticator App from your app store. UNOH recommends registering at least two verification methods. Options include Authenticator app, text message, phone, alternate phone, alternate email, and office phone.
I do not have a mobile device. How can I register?
Alternate methods of account verification include text message, phone or alternate phone. If you have any trouble, please submit a Helpdesk Ticket and the IT Department will work with you to provide access to your account.